Continuing Education for Healthcare Professionals


Supporting Oral Motor Skills in the Infant
This course focuses on assessing, adapting, and remediating feeding dysfunction in neonates and young infants by examining oral motor development, identifying underlying physiological impairments, and determining appropriate interventions to enhance feeding outcomes
Price: $399 (7 hours,7 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, III, V, VI, VII

Infant Development for Better Breastfeeding
This course offers a month-by-month review of infant reflexes, sensory systems, gross and fine motor skills, and cognitive/communication development from birth through six months, aiming to enhance breastfeeding outcomes.
Price: $299 (6.5 hours, 6.5 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, III, VI, VII
tongue tie

Tongue Ties, Breastfeeding, and the Lactation Savvy Therapist
This comprehensive course equips providers with the knowledge and skills to assess and manage tethered oral tissues (TOTs) in infants, emphasizing the impact on breastfeeding and providing practical strategies for intervention.
Price: $379 (9 hours, 9.0 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, III, V, VI, VII

Torticollis, Tongue Tie, and Infant Feeding
This course explores the relationship between torticollis, tongue tie, and infant feeding, focusing on whole-body asymmetry and its impact on feeding, and includes modules on assessment, functional evaluation, and case studies.
Price: $199 (4 hours, 4.0 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, III, VI, VII

Bodywork for Better Breastfeeding
This course provides hands-on training in infant massage techniques to enhance feeding readiness and outcomes, covering topics such as infant anatomy, neuromotor development, and various massage modalities, and is designed for full-body scope of practice practitioners.
Price: $379 (8 hours, 8.0 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, III, V, VI, VII
bottle feeding

Bottle Feeding Skills
This course provides in-depth guidance on understanding infant bottle-feeding needs, refining clinical reasoning for selection and use, choosing appropriate bottles, and troubleshooting common feeding challenges to support optimal feeding experiences.
Price: $349 (7 hours, 7.0 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, VI, VII

Formula Feeding: Advanced Selection Strategies for Infants
This course equips professionals with evidence-based knowledge on formula ingredients, optimizing safety and tolerance in formula-fed infants, and delivering unbiased, individualized education to support families.
Price: $159 (no CERPs provided)
medically fragile infant

Breastfeeding Assessment and Intervention for the Medically Fragile Infant
This course covers how to support breastfeeding for medically fragile infants in the NICU and PICU, covering maternal milk supply, specialized assessments, targeted interventions, and case-based strategies for conditions like prematurity, cleft palate, Down syndrome, and cardiac diagnoses.
Price: $429 (9.5 hours, 9.5 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, II, III, VI, VII

Failure to Thrive, Suboptimal Weight Gain, and the Lactation Savvy Therapist
This course delves into the various causes of failure to thrive in infants, offering in-depth case studies to enhance critical thinking and equip professionals with strategies to support infants experiencing suboptimal weight gain.
Price: $199 (4.5 hours, 4.5 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, II, III, VI, VII
maternal health

A Holistic Approach to Supporting Sleep for Breastfeeding Dyads
This course provides evidence-based strategies for optimizing sleep in breastfeeding infants, with a focus on biologically normal sleep patterns and responsive parenting approaches, including bed-sharing and co-sleeping. It offers research-backed insights and practical guidance for families seeking alternatives to mainstream sleep training methods.
Price: $199 (4 hr 15 min, 4.25 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: V, VI, VII

Babywearing as a Therapeutic Tool to Support Postpartum Wellbeing
This course teaches professionals how to incorporate babywearing into clinical practice to support infant development, maternal well-being, and feeding outcomes, covering topics such as carrier types, safety considerations, and breastfeeding positioning.
Price: $199 (4.5 hours, 4.5 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: V, VI

Maternal Health Foundations: Supporting Birth, Breastfeeding, and Postpartum Recovery
This course emphasizes the critical role of maternal health in infant outcomes, providing practical strategies to support parents through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. It covers physiological changes, mental health, postpartum planning, and nutrition, reinforcing the importance of a dyadic approach to care.
Price: $249 (5 hours, 5.0 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII

Advanced Postpartum Massage for Lactation Support
This course provides full-body scope of practice practitioners with a strong foundation in applying various tools and modalities to support breast health, including advanced manual therapy techniques to enhance maternal well-being and lactation outcomes.
Price: $379 (8 hours, 8.0 L-CERPs)
IBLCE Topic Areas: VI, VII
ways to save

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Maybe you have a few colleagues also interested in a particular course. A group of 5 will save 15% on one course.

Do you want to purchase at least 15 courses for multiple providers? Place one purchase order and save 25%.

We acknowledge the financial and systematic barriers to specialized continuing education.